The Convergence Edge – Using Data, Emotion, and the Power of Momentum

by | Apr 17, 2018

How many people or sources do you consult before making a big decision? Most people listen only to one or two – themselves and a close friend or colleague. In Joseph’s book “Questioneering,” he teaches leaders to listen to three significant sources in the digital age:

  • Data – what’s happening, why it happened, and what to do about it
  • Emotion – the feelings of your customers
  • Momentum – the ability to motivate others

Joseph calls the combination of all three – data, emotion, and momentum – the Convergence Edge. “Questioneering” will teach you to implement the Convergence Edge into your daily routine to make the best decisions possible.


Hi, I am Joseph Bradley, IoT executive and business thought leader. I want to talk to you about a very important concept in my new book, “Questioneering”. The concept is called The Convergence Edge.

Think about the last decision that you made and about how many people you listened to. What sources did you listen to? Most of the time the answer to that question if it is greater than one, you’re pretty lucky. It’ll typically be yourself, and maybe your best friend or your best colleague. And then maybe you think you picked up on a little intuition inside. The point being is that you’re really limited on the sources that you typically use to reflect upon some of the more important decisions that you make.

The idea of the Convergence Edge in Questioneering is to teach you to listen to three very, very important sources in the digital age. The first is that of data. Data is amazingly powerful in the digital age. By 2020, 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second for every human being on the planet. What we’re going to teach you to do is to listen to data in a structured way that lets you know what’s happening, why it happened, and more importantly, what you should do about it.

Secondly, we want you to understand and tap into emotion. There was a great study done by Harvard Business School which said if you compare a customer who is emotionally connected versus one that merely has a high degree of customer satisfaction, the emotionally connected customer is 52% more valuable.

So, the question is, “How do you understand and tap into that so you can learn from and listen to the emotions of your customers? There are four basic emotions: you’re happy, you’re sad, you’re afraid, or you’re angry. The key is, is how do you listen to the emotional motivators behind what’s driving those emotions from your customers? We give you a listening infrastructure to be able to help you do that in the book, Questioneering.

Finally, the one that’s most often overlooked is the ability to listen to the power of momentum. If you’re a business leader or an entrepreneur, most of the time you’ll think about putting your time into something. You can invest your money into something. But one thing that you don’t often times think about is the ability to motivate others. With the power of momentum, you can advance your particular story or your particular insight. Momentum is a powerful motivator, a very powerful tool.

In Questioneering, we show you the listening infrastructure. What is your daily routine that allows you to leverage data, emotions, and momentum? We call this the Convergence Edge.

I hope you enjoy the book, Questioneering. Thank you for your time and have a great day.

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