My Topics

Diversity is the foundation of vibrant organizations but only gives you the potential to create value. Inclusion allows for the realization of that value by driving the full participation of everyone involved.


My Vision for TONOMUS

Board Director Experience

The role of the Board of Directors continues to evolve. Responsibility and accountability are expanding from strategic planning, financial health, and ethical behavior to include ESG and DE&I. The makeup of the Board must evolve and become more dynamic to match its responsibilities to guide and steer the organization and stay at the forefront of shareholder concerns.

The importance of a Board role and the challenges it brings energize me. My current roles as Chairman of ZeroPoint DC and Board Director of TONOMUS have enriched my experience of building and leading highly functioning Boards and contributing to Board teams in meaningful ways. 

A key driver of my successful Board engagements is my experience as CEO. Having this perspective enhances my understanding of what is expected from a Board, including the importance of the overall relationship with corporate executives, the necessity for timely and frequent communication, and the benefit of cohesive strategic direction. 

My unique perspective gained through experiences sitting on both sides of the Boardroom table, are coupled with an unwavering desire to use technology to improve the lives of all people through sustainable solutions. These are fundamental to the value I can contribute to Boards of Directors looking to take their organizations to new heights.

Let’s discuss how I can take your corporation into the future.

Energetic Visionary Speaker

Ready to explore how I can energize your next event?

The world has been given the opportunity to reboot, using invention plus execution, to rethink how we as humans interact with each other, live in harmony for the good of each other, the environment, and nature. It is about leaving the world a better place for the next generation.